Board of Trustees

Members of the Board of Trustees, in alphabetical order:

Gianluigi Berini, Chairman

A quotation that I like and suits to me:
“You have to live the change you wish to see in the world.” M. Gandhi

Why did I get involved in the foundation:
Going beyond the concerns of one’s own life to serve and help others is an essential part and job of my life.

My background:
Gian-Luigi, 1961, spent more than 10 years as line- and general manager in multinational companies before Read More


François Gilardoni, PhD, Member

A quotation that I like and suits to me:
“The world is before you and you need not take it or leave it as it was when you came in.”  James A. Baldwin

Why I did get involved in the foundation:
Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. Eventually, they would become the most dangerous creations of any society as there is no future or hope in their struggles. Let’s try to change this!

My background:
François is a senior executive who has lived and worked throughout the U.S. and Europe and who has built a solid body of  Read More


Rolf Gobet,  Member

A quotation that I like and suits to me:
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Why did I get involved in the foundation?
Each man has the right to access dignity, freedom and happiness and it’s our duty to make it happen.

My background:
Rolf Gobet, 1966, has a proven track record as a hands-on line-manager in both the private and public sector. Rolf started his business career at Read More


Luca Merlini, Member

A quotation that I like and suits to me:
“What we do is only a drop of the ocean but if we didn’t do it the ocean would have a drop less.” Mother Teresa, Calcutta

Why did I get involved in the foundation?
Co-create a space for humanity.

My background:

Luca is the CEO of the Regional Hospital ‘La Carità’, Locarno (Ti) since 2002. Prior to that, he covered a number of  Read More


Prof. Jane Royston, Member

A quotation that I like and suits to me:
“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try to sleep in a closed room with a mosquito”  African proverb

Why did I get involved in the foundation?
Great concept and great leadership, fighting social injustice is one of my core values

My background:
Jane is a successful high tech entrepreneur (IT), professor of entrepreneurship and innovation (EPFL), Read More


Faris Sabeti, Member

A quotation that I like and suits to me:
“We should be self-sacrificing and should serve the human race.” Abdu’l-Baha

Why did I get involved in the foundation:
I like to be able to contribute to projects that promote the well being of humanity. There are many projects out there but I have been reluctant to this date until I heard from Gianluigi Berini the founder about this foundation. My reluctance has been due to two key questions: 1) how much value do I really create 2) how sustainable will the outcome of the project be.
More Than A Drop foundation addresses these points for me and most importantly I have trust in the people who are behind this organization. They are individuals who bring their practical experience that is essential for the successful implementation and their core values are in line with mine.

My background:
Faris Sabeti spent his first 12 years managing international projects in a number of multinational companies after which he decided to leave the corporate world Read More


Pierre Strübin, Member

A quotation that I like and suits to me:
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant “. Robert Louis Stevenson

Why did I get involved in the foundation:
To contribute by more than a drop to the welfare of women and men showing willingness to progress.
My background:
Pierre, 1950, started his career in 1975 at ABB Sécheron where he developed and commissioned, equipment for rail and other  Read More